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Pallet Enterprise - Trucking and Logistics Round Table Discussion: What Lies Ahead for the Freight Industry? - August 2023

In the world of logistics, the impact of pallet design and sourcing on trucking efficiency cannot be underestimated. The quality of pallets directly influences driver experience and unloading processes. The trucking industry's current state holds significant implications for pallet operators and analysts, as it forms a pivotal part of pallet costs. Furthermore, freight rates play a crucial role in determining lumber sourcing strategies and the market reach of finished pallets. Beyond this, the state of the trucking industry serves as an economic health barometer and a leading indicator for pallet demand.

Recently, Pallet Enterprise engaged in insightful conversations with four key figures in the truck freight sector. These thought leaders include Balika Sonthalia, a senior partner and strategic operations practice leader at Kearney, renowned for co-authoring the 34th Annual State of Logistics Report; Norita Taylor, Director of Public Relations for the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association; John Vaccaro, President of Bettaway Supply Chain Services and the visionary behind PalletTrader; and Chad Wesbey, Vice President of PLA’s Freight Brokerage Division. Their perspectives shed light on the intricate interplay between pallets, trucking, and the broader economic landscape.


Read the full Q&A here

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