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Press Release: Kevin Kull Joins PalletTrader as SVP of Sales and Operations

A 15-year veteran of the logistics and freight transportation business, Kevin Kull joined the PalletTrader team to head up the sales and operational teams.

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“We’re pleased to welcome Kevin Kull to PalletTrader,” said John Vaccaro, president of Bettaway Supply Chain Services, which funded, built and is operating PalletTrader as an independent, neutral online trading platform. “As our sales and operations leader, Kevin’s experience and demonstrated success in sales strategy development, team building and sales growth will help drive increased customer adoption of and engagement with the platform.” Previously, Kull worked at XPO Logistics, where he was vice president of strategic accounts. Prior to that, he served as XPO’s director of operations and branch president for multiple operational centers, including XPO’s corporate operation in Charlotte.

Read more here.




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