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Inbound Logistics - Pallets Stack Supply Chain Advantages - May 2023

Unknown billions of pallets circulate around the world, making millions of shipments possible, but few pay attention to their importance. The annual pallet feature of Inbound Logistics provides a unique deep dive into the world of pallets sharing the current state of the industry and important updates about how pallets support supply chains with recent gains in technology and versatility.

As a part of this year's feature article, PalletTrader founder and President of Bettaway Supply Chain Services John Vaccaro shared the latest updates from our revolutionary online platform for buying and selling pallets saying "I wanted to build a platform where all people and all things pallet could converge. We are providing a common set of tools and processes that everyone can share to manage and optimize pallet inventory." He went on to share the PalletTrader goal to help shippers connect with depots, allowing thousands of pallet producers, recyclers, and distributors to streamline their business processes.

This year's pallet deep dive also features key insights from iGPS Logistics CEO Jeff Pepperworth, Plastic Pallet Pros Director of Operations Sam Dunham, and ORBIS Corporation Senior Product Manager of Pallets Alison Zitzke.

Read "Pallets Stack Supply Chain Advantages" online now via Inbound Logistics. 



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